Church Gone Wild

It amazes me some of the things that are said of church people. Yes, they shout, sing, clap, dance, laugh, have fun and get pretty crazy at times. Now if you do those things in a bar, at a football game, a basketball game or any other sports gathering, well it's perfectly OK. If you do it over a six pack, you're cool. If you do it at a party where every one's intoxicated, it's acceptable. But church? No way, right?
Church, gone wild. Church should be filled with joy, for the joy of the Lord is our strength. Church should be overflowing and filled with joy. The worshippers should be leaping with joy, shouting, clapping, dancing and having a blast. Besides, who likes a boaring church?
Blessings, in the joy of the Lord
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online